Enhancing HR Efficiency: Global Payroll and People Solutions for a Seamless Experience


Florence Mok

Managing Director, North Asia

Florence Mok

Managing Director, North Asia

13 12 月 2023


  • HCM系統解決方案
  • 全球人力資源及薪酬外包  (GPO)
  • 名義雇主服務 (EOR)


First published in Human Resources Online on 13 Dec 2023

Florence Mok, MD of BIPO North Asia, firmly believes that technology enhances, not replaces, the human element in HR, a philosophy which guides BIPO’s innovations.

BIPO北亞區董事總經理Florence Mok認為,科技的引入並非取代人力資源中的人為因素,而是提升其價值的重要一環。 這一理念貫穿BIPO的創新之路。

Established in 2010 and headquartered in Singapore, BIPO is a global payroll and people solutions provider. With a strong presence across 150+ global markets, BIPO offers comprehensive workforce solutions encompassing its award-winning human capital management (HCM) solutions and professional services: global payroll outsourcing and employer of record (EOR) services.

BIPO成立於2010年,總部位於新加坡,是全球薪酬與人力資源解決方案的領導者。 現時已覆蓋全球160多個國家及地區,提供HCM系統解決方案以及專業服務,包括全球人力資源及薪酬外包和名義雇主(EOR)服務。

BIPO leverages the latest technological advancements to provide clients with best-in-class solutions and empower businesses to achieve greater efficiency and success.


What makes BIPO different from what is out there in the landscape is that its scalable solutions support companies throughout the business lifecycle, from initial growth to global expansion. Unlike standalone services, BIPO’s agile solutions integrate a cloud-based proprietary HR management system (HRMS) with services such as global payroll outsourcing and EOR. This integration offers a holistic, end-to-end solution – ensuring a seamless employee journey from onboarding to offboarding.

BIPO與其他公司的不同之處在於,其可擴展的解決方案能够支持企業在業務生命週期各階段的需求,從初創階段到全球擴張。 與獨立服務不同,BIPO的靈活解決方案將基於雲的人力資源管理系統(HRMS)與全球薪酬外包和EOR等服務無縫綜合,為員工提供從入職到離職的全程支持。

Diving into some of the features that make BIPO HRMS so powerful for its users, this SaaS-based solution is available on a secure, unified platform, including a mobile app. Apart from automating the employee lifecycle from on/offboarding, the system is available in 18 languages, and its proprietary multi-country platform supports multi-currency salary payments.

BIPO HRMS具有眾多强大功能,這款基於SaaS的人力資源解決方案,除了自動化員工的入職/離職流程外,該系統還支持18種語言,並且其專有的多國平臺支持多種貨幣的薪酬支付。

As part of its promise around “seamless integration,” the HRMS has a centralised storage of employee data, providing easy access to critical information like employee profiles, salaries, emergency contact information, and more – delivered on a single dashboard and user-friendly interface to enhance the employee experience. In addition, an intuitive, built-in payroll calculation engine ensures accuracy, accountability, and reduced manual errors. At the same time, multi-level approvals offer added security features – helping to improve workflows and workforce management.

BIPO HRMS實現無縫集成,能够集中存儲員工數據,為關鍵資訊如員工檔案、薪水、緊急聯系資訊等提供便捷訪問,並通過單一儀錶板和用戶友好的介面增强員工體驗。 此外,直觀的內寘薪水計算引擎確保準確性、可靠性,並减少手工錯誤。 同時,多層次審批提供了額外的安全功能,有助於改善工作流程和人力資源管理。

In line with BIPO’s philosophy to “make life easier” for HR and business professionals, BIPO HRMS also integrates with various LMS and ERP solutions to offer a complete, one-stop HR ecosystem to enhance the employee experience and cater to the needs of both SMEs and enterprises.

與BIPO的“Make Life Easier”的理念相一致,BIPO HRMS還與各種LMS和ERP解決方案集成,為員工提供全面、一站式的人力資源生態系統,同時滿足中小型企業和大型企業的需求。

Collectively, BIPO’s total HR solutions empower companies with the tools to make informed business decisions by streamlining HR workflows, complemented by BI and analytics that deliver actionable insights. By eliminating manual, transactional tasks, BIPO enables global/regional and local HR teams to take on a strategic HRBP role so they can contribute to business revenues/goals. In a dynamic economic landscape, BIPO’s hybrid workforce solutions seamlessly merge traditional HR services with innovative technology and facilitate effortless global expansion for businesses in today’s connected world.

綜合來看,BIPO的全面人力資源解決方案通過簡化人力資源工作流程,並結合BI分析提供可操作洞察,為企業製定業務決策提供了强有力的支持。 通過消除手工、事務性任務,BIPO使全球/區域和本地人力資源團隊能够承擔戰略性人力資源業務夥伴角色,為業務收入/目標做出貢獻。 在動態的經濟環境中,BIPO的整體勞動力解決方案無縫融合傳統的人力資源服務與創新技術,助力企業輕鬆實現全球擴張。

This trailblazing solutions provider’s projects have significantly impacted Hong Kong’s business landscape, especially in HR and payroll compliance. Its 21 proprietary payroll engines with built-in compliance have empowered HR professionals with the tools, expertise, and capabilities to process multi-country payroll and HR transactions on a single, unified platform.

這一開創性的解決方案也對香港的商業格局產生了重大影響,尤其是在人力資源和薪資合規方面。 其21個內寘合規性的專有薪資引擎,為人力資源專業人員能够在單一、統一的平臺上輕鬆處理多國薪資和人力資源事務。


“For instance, a regional payroll outsourcing project for a client based in Hong Kong with 500+ global employees resulted in a 15% productivity boost, 40% time-savings, and 100% on-time payroll processing across 10 markets in APAC.” – Florence Mok, Managing Director, North Asia

“例如,我們為一家總部位於香港、擁有500多名全球員工的客戶實施了一個地區性薪資外包項目,結果在亞太地區的10個市場提高了15%的生產率的同時,節省了40%的時間,薪資處理的準時率達到100%”。– BIPO北亞區董事總經理Florence Mok


Florence Mok, Managing Director of BIPO North Asia, shares: “BIPO’s success stems from our understanding of the global HR landscape, expertise in compliance, and alleviating administrative burdens. These enable clients to concentrate on strategic HR initiatives, solidifying our commitment to their success.”

BIPO北亞區董事總經理Florence Mok分享道:“BIPO的成功源於我們對全球人力資源格局的理解,以及合規方面專業知識的掌握,可以幫助減輕企業負擔,從而使客戶能够專注於企業自身的戰略性的人力資源規劃, 進一步彰顯了我們對他們成功的承諾。”

Mok firmly believes that technology enhances, not replaces, the human element in HR. She explains: “This philosophy guides our innovations, ensuring that while we leverage technology and increasingly, AI – the core focus remains on the human aspect.

Florence堅信,科技可以增强而不是取代人力資源中的人為因素。 她解釋道:“這一理念指導著我們的創新,確保我們在利用科技和越來越多的人工智慧的同時,覈心重點仍然放在‘人’的方面。”

“It is about harmonising technology with HR to create solutions that connect and empower professionals in making the best decisions for their teams and the business.”



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