Marilyn Jiang
HR Service Delivery Manager, United Kingdom
Marilyn Jiang
HR Service Delivery Manager, United Kingdom
First published in London Business Matters Magazine on July 2023
Expanding your business into a new market can be overwhelming, however by enlisting the help of an Employer of Record (EOR), you can streamline the process and focus on growing your core business rapidly.
So what is EOR?
Simply put, an EOR is an external party that handles the compliance aspect of employment on behalf of another organization, this means that you can start operations in a new market right away, even without a physical presence or legal entity.
簡單來說,名義雇主服務(EOR)的定義是:一家外部機构,代表另一家組織處理雇傭方面的合規事務。 這意味著即使沒有實體辦公室或者法律實體,您也可以立即開始在新市場開展業務。
When to consider an Employer of Record?
Scenario 1:
If you’re entering a new market with a lot of uncertainties, an EOR can be a great way to test the waters before making a big investment. With an EOR, you can start hiring and operating within days, without the need to set up a legal entity or navigate local compliance requirements.
如果您進入一個充滿不確定性的新市場,名義雇主服務(EOR)是可以在進行重大投資之前試水的好方法。 通過名義雇主服務(EOR),您可以在幾天內開始招聘和運營,無需設立法律實體或應對當地的合規要求。
Scenario 2:
If you have ambitious expansion plans across multiple countries within a short period of time, an EOR can help you to scale up quickly and efficiently. Setting up a legal entity and complying with local regulations can be a time-consuming and costly process in many regions, but with an EOR, you can start operating in multiple markets within the time frame.
如果您有在短時間內在多個國家擴張的雄心壯志,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以幫助您快速高效地擴展規模。 在許多地區,建立法律實體並遵守當地法規可能是一項耗時且昂貴的過程,但通過名義雇主服務(EOR),您可以在同一時間開展多個市場的運營。
Scenario 3:
During M&A transactions, an EOR can be a valuable tool for simplifying the process of acquiring and integrating new businesses. If the acquiring company doesn’t have an existing legal entity in the target country, an EOR can act as the professional employer until the acquiring company completes the process of establishing a local entity.
在並購交易期間,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以成為簡化收購和綜合新業務流程的寶貴工具。 如果收購公司在目標國家沒有現有的法律實體,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以在收購公司完成建立本地實體的流程之前充當專業雇主。
Scenario 4:
For businesses looking to keep costs down and operate at a smaller scale, an EOR can provide cost-saving options. By outsourcing tasks such as insurance, rental, and other hidden costs associated with hiring and terminating employees, businesses can save money compared to the costs of registering a legal entity and administering payroll.
對於希望降低成本並以較小規模運營的企業,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以給企業提供節省成本的選項。 通過外包保險、租金和其他與雇傭和解雇員工相關的隱性成本,企業可以節省與注册法律實體和管理薪資相關費用的資金。
Scenario 5:
For smaller businesses looking to stay competitive and attract the best talent, an EOR can help to expand their talent pool beyond their geographic location. By adopting an EOR model, businesses can overcome distance barriers and recruit the most suitable candidates from around the world.
對於希望保持競爭力並吸引優秀人才的中小企業,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以幫助其突破地理限制,擴大人才庫。 通過採用名義雇主服務(EOR)模式,企業可以克服距離障礙,從全球招募最合適的候選人。
In summary, there are many situations where an EOR can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to expand into new markets or simplify their global operations. If you’re considering expanding your business overseas, it’s worth exploring the benefits of using an EOR to streamline your operations and minimize risks.
總之,許多情况下,名義雇主服務(EOR)可以成為企業尋求拓展新市場或簡化其全球業務的寶貴工具。 如果您考慮在海外拓展業務,值得探索使用名義雇主服務(EOR)的收益來簡化運營並降低風險。
What are the benefits of using an EOR?
An EOR offers a range of benefits for businesses looking to expand internationally. Here are some of the key advantages of using an EOR:
對於希望拓展國際業務的企業,名義雇主服務(EOR)擁有多個好處。 以下是使用名義雇主服務(EOR)的一些關鍵優勢:
Legal compliance:
EORs ensure businesses comply with local legal requirements for hiring and compensating employees. This includes handling payroll, taxes, and other HR processes, which can reduce liabilities and mitigate risks associated with expanding into new markets.
名義雇主服務(EOR)確保企業遵守當地法律雇傭和補償員工的要求確保企業遵守當地的法律要求,進行雇傭和支付員工的薪酬。 包括處理薪資、稅收和其他人力資源流程,可以減輕管理責任與拓展新市場所帶來的風險。
Global workforce:
By partnering with an EOR, businesses can expand their workforce globally and tap into new talent pools.
Additionally, if you decide to exit the new market, an EOR can help you to do so smoothly and without any legal complications.
To find out more about BIPO’s total HR solutions, including our award-winning Employer of Record service, connect with
如需瞭解更多關於BIPO的綜合人力資源解決方案,包括我們屢獲殊榮的名義雇主服務(EOR),請聯系 。
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